What Are We Doing For You During This Crisis?

What is MABP doing to help during COVID-19?
What is MABP doing to help during COVID-19?

The Michigan Association of Beauty Professionals (MABP) was formed with a mission to help elevate the beauty industry in the State of Michigan.

We knew there was a need for this type of organization at a state level but we never realized how much until the pandemic occurred. In the past nine weeks our members have increased by 200% and our committee has grown to 30 active participants. During this crisis we are finding that the lack of connection and communication is creating fear and uncertainty. Our goal is to bridge this gap and build a community with a voice.

Almost immediately following the closure of studios, we began gathering resources and placing them on our website so they are easy to access. Grants, loans, PPE, and any additional resources can be found under the Resources tab on mibeautypros.org. Many of these resources were provided by our members and if you feel any are missing please email us at connect@mibeautypros.org (or use this form) and we will get it added.

The MABP has also contacted local and state officials to establish connections and get direction on when and how we should reopen. We took a look at over 30 Back to Work plans, connected with medical and licensed professionals, and put together our own guide for Michigan barbershops, salons, and spas. We were honored to be a part of the LARA workgroup that was tasked with putting a recommended Back to Work plan for our industry to present to the Governor. This workgroup utilized the MABP guide along with other state plans and also got feedback from over 50 licensed professionals and business owners. We are just waiting for feedback from our governor but are happy to know things are being discussed.

Most importantly we want you to know the MABP is here for you. We have received 100’s of emails and Facebook messages and have worked really hard to help find the answers you are seeking. We look forward to being able to continue our mission of bringing our industry in Michigan together, even after COVID-19. The silver lining in this pandemic is that we are all closer and will continue to grow stronger when this is behind us. We are grateful you have joined us on this journey.


Kristan Sayers
Founder & President, MABP

Tari Krupinski
Vice President, MABP

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About The Author: Tari Krupinski
Tari Krupinski, Treasurer

In 2017, Tari opened Tacari Salon in downtown Plymouth with her business partner and sister Carie. Tari strongly believes that beauty professionals and owners need to support each other and come together to help elevate this great industry.

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